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PLC BLOG | Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO : Structured text (ST) PROGRAMMING
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Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO : Structured text (ST) PROGRAMMING

The Structured Text Language Is A High-Level statements and conditional based Programming Language. Structured text language applicable for Define Complex and Sophisticated Control Algorithms for Industrial Systems. Structured Text Language Defined By The IEC 61131-3 Standard. In structured text language Ideal for Mathematical Processing That Is Difficult to Write in Ladder Programming. Structured text (ST) allows you to write complex programs and control structures using an optimized programming language. It is available for all PLCs. The Structured Text Language Supported By Panasonic PLC and you can make your program or logic in control FPWIN PRO. Structured Text Language Have Control Statements, Loop Statements, IF-THEN-ELSE Statements, Operators Such As Arithmetic Operators, Comparison Operators, And AND/OR Operators, As Well As Many Mathematical Functions, String Extract And Merge Functions, Memory Card Processing Functions, String Transfer Functions, And Trigonometric Functions. All Link Below On Page

Panasonic PLC FPWIN PRO: Create Your First Project In Structured Text

Open control FPWIN PRO software and create a new project select your plc type, enter name of project and select Structured Text language for programming after selecting click create Project.

Create Your First Project In Structured Text

after creating project declare a variable which we used when we make a program, so below i am makeing three variable input, output, timer(TON) and Timer_ev for storing elapsed timer value.

declare a varible

Create A Structured Text Program For Panasonic Plc

after declaring of variable now make a program. below is the example of Panasonic plc structured text program. in this program we use a Timer TON as function working of timer same as ladder language but here we see we declare timer TON as statement. After making a program download to your plc and check the program you can also use Simulator for structured text program.

Create A Structured Text Program For Panasonic Plc

Panasonic PLC - Structured Text Logical Operators

in structured text Four Logical Operators: And(&) Logical Operators, OR Logical Operators, XOR Logical Operators And NOT Logical Operators. These Logical operator Compare Element-By-Element With Logical 1 Or 0 Accordingly As The Result Is True Or False Respectively. Below is the example of logical operator in structured text language.

Panasonic PLC Structured Text Logical Operators Operators

so in this example we have three pressure switch when any of the pressure switch will operated than gate open otherwise gate close. so we use XOR logical operator for comparing both pressure switch if any of the pressure switch operated if conditional statements executed.

Panasonic PLC - Structured Text Arithmetic Operators

Structured Text Arithmetic Operators Perform Mathematics Operation Of Non-Boolean Value. below is the example of Panasonic PLC Structured Text Arithmetic Operators.

Panasonic PLC - Structured Text Arithmetic Operators

Panasonic PLC - Structured Text If else statements

Structured Text Conditional Statements Are Used to Start a Process or System at Specific Condition If Condition Is True. Conditional Statements Is Decisions Based Statement On Certain Process Condition. below is the example of Panasonic PLC Structured Text If else statements

Panasonic PLC Structured Text If else statements

in above example of If else statements we use simple MOD arithmetic operator. Modulo Divide (MOD) Is A Arithmetic Operation That Finds The Remainder. So if remainder is equal to 0 than value is even otherwise value is odd.

Related Article

information about Structured text visit link below

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